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We use the open-source Capella System Architecting software to document the use cases, functions, processes, responsibilities, and database design for tools developed under the research contract “Rapid Evaluation Tools for an Intelligent Optimization Platform”. We follow the Arcadia process of Operational Analysis, System Analysis, and Logical Architecture in defining the requirements for these tools. You can explore the resulting documents by following the hyperlinks below. For a complete tutorial in the use of Capella we recommend Introduction to Arcadia with Capella by Peter Jackson.
ATM Workload Calculator
The purpose of this document is to capture functional requirements for a software tool to assist air traffic flow managers in analyzing sector demand within a user-defined airspace configuration. Using flight schedules, the tool approximates the location of each aircraft by time by sector. The tool then estimates controller workload considering aircrafts at different phases of flight, and whether aircrafts are in close proximity or crossing between sectors. These phases include ascending, descending, cruising, and crossing between sectors. “Close proximity” between two aircrafts is defined by the user. Finally, the tool presents pivot tables, charts and a geospatial animation of sector demand by time for analysis.
TMA Design Tool
The purpose of this document is to capture functional requirements, organized into a logical architecture, for a software tool to assist air traffic planners in rapidly configuring a Terminal Manoeuvring Area (TMA) design and evaluating the design across multiple concerns. The design elements shall include waypoints, SIDS, STARS, runway orientation, holding areas, as well as approach and departure routes. The tool shall evaluate concerns of safety, capacity, delay performance, and fuel efficiency under different flight schedule loading patterns.