- Estimating Hub Traffic Share on the ‘Kangaroo Route’ via an Aggregate Itinerary Choice Model
The 25th ATRS World Conference (Hybrid)
Presenter: Peter Jackson
- Optimizing Air Traffic Operations in Congested Terminal Manoeuvring Areas
The 25th ATRS World Conference (Hybrid)
Presenter: Nuno Ribeiro
- Air Traffic Delay Propagation and Root Cause Identification through Trajectory-Based Optimisation Analysis
The 25th ATRS World Conference (Hybrid)
Presenter: Benjamin Tan
- Bottleneck Analysis of Pre-Pandemic ASEAN Commercial Air Traffic Network
The 25th ATRS World Conference (Hybrid)
Presenter: Dai Gengling
- Bottleneck Analysis of Pre-Pandemic ASEAN Commercial Air Traffic Network
INFORMS Annual Meeting Indianapolis 2022
Presenter: Peter Jackson
- A Modelling Approach To Optimize Airport Scheduling Limits In Airport Demand Management
INFORMS Annual Meeting Indianapolis 2022
Presenter: Nuno Ribeiro
- Strategic Model to Optimize Terminal Airspace Opera?ons
INFORMS Annual Meeting Indianapolis 2022
Presenter: Wayne Ng (PhD Candidate)