Research Leadership

Research Leadership2024-07-01T14:22:15+08:00

Rakesh Nagi

Institute Director, ASI
Professor, SUTD
Phone: +65 6499 7221

Rakesh Nagi is the Director of the Aviation Studies Institute (ASI) and a Professor with the Engineering Systems and Design (ESD) Pillar at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD).

He is also Donald Biggar Willett Professor of Engineering at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (on leave). He served as the Department Head of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering at UIUC (2013-2019). He also served as the Interim Director of the Illinois Applied Research Institute (2016 –2018). ​

Previously he served as the Chair (2006-2012) and Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University at Buffalo (SUNY) (1993-2013). He is a recipient of IISE David F. Baker Distinguished Research Award (2022), INFORMS Koopman Award from Military Application Society (2021, 2018), DARPA Graph Challenge, Champion (2020), and other awards.​

Nuno Ribeiro

Deputy Director, ASI
Assistant Professor, SUTD
Phone: +65 6499 4860

Nuno Ribeiro is a Principal Investigator at the Aviation Studies Institute (ASI) and an Assistant Professor with the Engineering Systems and Design (ESD) Pillar at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD).

He has received his Ph.D. in Transport Systems from the University of Coimbra (Portugal). During his stints as a Ph.D. student, Nuno also held visiting research positions in MIT and Carnegie Mellon University. In his research, he develops and apply operations research methods to support the decision-making process in transportation system management. In his PhD dissertation, Nuno has developed a novel decision-making tool for airport schedule coordination. The tool is aimed to support airport slot coordinators to perform demand management interventions at congested airports in a way that reduces imbalances between demand and capacity, while promoting attractive schedules of flights for the airlines and passengers. Nuno’s work has received attention from academia and industry stakeholders reflected in several research awards, such as the Anna Valicek Medal by the AGIFORS in 2018, best the PhD dissertation by INFORMS-AAS in 2019 and the best paper award by INFORMS-AAS in 2020.

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